Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Super Mom

Rather than pretend I have it all together, because in all honesty, that's gotten old real fast, I would like to announce to the world that I'm a mom on the edge. I am overwhelmed and wish I knew the meaning of "balance." I think I need a life coach.

For lack of a better way to put this, I am doing a pretty sh*tty job of being a mom. I can't seem to figure out how to be a mom plus everything else that I'm supposed to be. I'm barely able to handle being a mom and an employee (as I'd really rather not give away what I do at this time) who works minimum 50 hours a week but it's usually closer to 60+. I have actually forgotten on occasion that I'm supposed to be a wife too. I mean, I am technically a wife...there is a legal, binding document that states just that somewhere, it's just that I forget that I was a wife before I was a mom and that I'm supposed to continue being a wife after becoming a mom. And don't even get me started on the fact that I haven't been any kind of friend, daughter, or just me since, oh, about 8 and 1/2 months ago.

I do not understand how you super moms do it. Are you guys pulling a fast one on me or faking it really well so that I look bad? How do you raise a well-adjusted, happy child, maintain a loving marriage, strengthen the bonds of friendship, have a career, keep a clean/organized house, and grow personally all at the same time? Was a manual passed out that I missed getting a copy of because I was off trying to figure out your little secret?

I still haven't figured it out. I have no answers. I'm getting a bit desperate though. You supermoms better watch your back because I'm going to surprise you one day, steal your manual, speed read through it and then work some magic so I find the balance that I'm desperately in need of. Until then, you can find me at work...or buried under a pile of clothes that need to be put away...or wandering aimlessly...

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